Angular route download file

“Once we introduce a lazy route in our app, when the user navigates to it, Angular will first download the corresponding bundle from the network.

To make your applications ready for routing, you must include the AngularJS "paris.htm" are normal HTML files, which you can add AngularJS expressions as  Angular 5 + Material Sample Application. Contribute to asphub/ng5AppEx development by creating an account on GitHub.

Angular Routing - Best Practices for Enterprise Applications - wesleygrimes/angular-routing-best-practices

17 Dec 2018 As this is an Angular project, it depends heavily on Node.js and NPM. NPM bundles with Node.js, on initial load. Activate/download a code module by navigating to a route. Let's take a look at our app.component.ts file: 9 Jul 2019 So, if you haven't done so yet, go to the download page of Node.js and (y/N): You can input y (yes) as you are going to use Angular Routing in the app. It will generate a player.component.ts file and other required files  After starting the Sails server and navigating to the root route of the project, Sails Out of the box, the Sails asset pipeline pulls files from brushfire/assets/, does to and download the latest stable uncompressed version of  This package provides the AngularJS libray for use in Plone. Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework (cite of the original website title). The whole ZIP file  Angular2 File Upload.